AVAILABLE 24/7 CALL: 01283 550 503
Professional cleaning services for the varied housing sector
REACT provides a wide range of services focusing on social housing clients to ensure that properties are continually maintained to ensure optimal levels of cleanliness, hygiene, and visual appearance.
Services can be delivered on a scheduled or reactive basis, including emergency 24/7/365 response in the event of a flood, fire, tenant misuse, eviction, or house clearance.
Our industry-leading levels of responsiveness and quality of service enable us to deliver truly customised solutions that maximise stakeholder value and minimise void periods.
Void property clearances
Returning property to a safe, hygienic and usable state, REACT quickly eliminates health hazards, removes waste (including hazardous and bio-hazardous material) and cleans the property to the required standard.
Full-service property clearance, decontamination and cleaning.
Hazardous & biohazardous waste removal, including needles and sharps.
Vermin management, including bird deterrents and removal of pigeon guano.
The specialist team at REACT is highly trained, medically fit, well equipped, security cleared and inoculated to protect themselves from hazards. We operate to industry-leading standards, including BS-EN-ISO 9001, and ISO14001 for Environmental Management. We are also a licensed waste carrier with a fully traceable waste disposal system.
Where we do it
We are one of the UK’s leading specialist cleaning firms providing property clearance services to the public and private sectors, including commercial and residential property owners.
Specialist housing and property cleaning services
If you can't see the service you require, please call us on 01283 550 503.

Highly rated for speed and quality. BS-EN-ISO 9001.

Security cleared, highly trained and fully equipped.

£10 million of relevant insurance cover.

Staff are medically fit and fully immunised.

Licensed Waste Carrier
ISO14001 Environmental Management.